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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Global Art Grant
Black Rock Arts Foundation
660 Alabama
San Francisco, CA 94110
Phone Number (415)626-1248
Level of Study Graduate Degree
Award Type Grant
Purpose To support artists and organizations in promoting interactive arts in the community.
Focus Art.
Qualifications Grant is open to all individual artists, artist collectives or organizations regardless of their geographic location; the grant is applied towards creation of interactive artworks or towards the development of community programs that support interactive artworks; funded projects must be art that is accessible to the public; cost of the materials necessary to fulfill the project's vision.
Criteria Selection will be projects that are highly interactive, community-driven, and collaborative works of art that are accessible to the public and civic scope are given priority; taking risks and providing seed funding that stimulates new explorations and fosters new artists; validation and support for artists; created by the community for benefit of that community.
Funds $500
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must first submit their letter of inquiry; if selected by the committee, they will be invited to submit a full proposal; It is mandatory that Applicants must submit the LOI through online process; In order to access the online form, Applicants will need to create a burner profile; complete proposal includes: completion of the online proposal, timeline, budget, supplemental images and materials.
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