Scholarship Finder
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Clinical Research Grant
American Speech Language Hearing Foundation
2200 Research Blvd.
Rockville, MD 20850-3289
Phone Number (301)296-8700
Level of Study Graduate Degree
Award Type Grant
Purpose To support investigations that will advance knowledge of the efficacy of treatment and assessment practices.
Focus Communications; Disabilities; Hearing and deafness; Speech and language pathology/Audiology.
Qualifications Applicants must have received a PhD or equivalent research doctorate within the discipline of communication sciences and disorders or related field; must demonstrate the potential and commitment to conducting independent research with a clear plan for applying for extramural research support.
Criteria Recipients will be selected based on the following: objectives and significance; experimental design and research method; innovation; facilities and resources; management plan and budget; investigator; mentor and mentoring plan; collaborators and collaboration plan. Priority will be given to proposals investigating promising approaches that have potential for improving the everyday functioning of individuals with, or at-risk for, communication and related impairments.
Funds $50,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards Up to 4.
To Apply Applicants should prepare research proposals with the formats prescribed by the Foundation; such must be submitted electronically. Should a letter (addressed to the Grant Review Committee) from the administrator of your current employment setting indicating that the proposed study is endorsed and will not present a conflict of interest with your current responsibilities and commitments.
Deadline April 19.
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