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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Cooley Diversity Fellowship
Cooley L.L.P.
3175 Hanover St.
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1130
Phone Number (650)843-5000
Level of Study Graduate Degree
High School
Award Type Fellowship
Purpose To financially assist law students.
Focus Law.
Qualifications Applicants must be enrolled full time in an ABA-accredited law school with an anticipated graduation date of 2025 at the time of application; demonstrate a commitment to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within their local communities and/or more broadly; can participate in and complete Cooley's 2023 Summer Program; are not the immediate family member of any partner or employee of Cooley LLP.
Criteria Selection will be based on we will select fellows based on consideration of: demonstrated commitment to promoting DEI; undergraduate and law school academic performance; personal achievement; demonstrated leadership ability; community service.
Funds $30,000
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants should submit one complete and accurate online application that includes: a personal statement that’s no more than one single-spaced page in length and demonstrates achievement of the above selection criteria; a current résumé; an undergraduate transcript (unofficial transcripts are acceptable); graduate program transcripts (if applicable); a law school transcript (after the receipt of first term grades); in addition to the online application (the “Apply Now” link below); complete a brief 10-15 minute assessment as part of Cooley’s recruitment process.
Deadline January 9.
Contact Email:
For more information
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