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Enterprise Security

2.5 Reading and Writing

Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work-related documents. Using standard English to compile information and prepare written reports.

  • 2.5.1 Comprehension
    • Locate, understand, and interpret written information in prose and in documents such as manuals, reports, memos, letters, forms, graphs, charts, tables, calendars, schedules, signs, notices, applications, and directions
    • Understand the purpose of written materials
    • Attain meaning and comprehend core ideas
    • Learn definitions of unfamiliar terms
    • Critically evaluate and analyze information in written materials
    • Integrate and synthesize information from multiple written materials
  • 2.5.2 Attention to detail
    • Identify main ideas, implied meaning and details, missing information, biases, differing perspectives, sources, and reliability of written materials
    • Note details, facts, and inconsistencies
  • 2.5.3 Application
    • Integrate what is learned from written materials with prior knowledge
    • Apply what is learned from written material to follow instructions and complete specific tasks
    • Apply what is learned from written material to future situations
  • 2.5.4 Organization and development
    • Prepare reports that are easy to understand using proper terminology
    • Communicate thoughts, ideas, information, messages, and other written information which may contain technical material, in a logical, organized, efficient, and coherent manner
    • Present ideas that are well developed with supporting information and examples
  • 2.5.5 Mechanics
    • Use standard syntax and sentence structure
    • Use correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
    • Use appropriate grammar (e.g., correct tense, subject-verb agreement, no missing words)
    • Write legibly
    • Proof read finished documents for errors
    • Distribute written materials appropriately for intended audiences and purposes
  • 2.5.6 Tone
    • Write in a manner appropriate for the industry and organization
    • Use language appropriate for the target audience
    • Use appropriate tone and word choice (e.g., writing is professional and courteous)