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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
The Liberty Ranch Addiction & Mental Health Scholarship
The Liberty Ranch
2735 N KY Hwy 501
Kings Mountain, KY 40442
Toll Free Number 888-387-1531
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To support individuals who have struggled with mental health challenges, have been impacted by substance abuse, or intend to work to in mental health-related fields to destigmatize mental illness and addiction.
Focus General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicant must be a high school senior, undergraduate, or post-graduate student enrolled or accepted to an accredited college or university; must have been impacted by mental health challenges and addiction; must be to U.S. citizen and U.S. residents.
Funds $1,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1 in 2021.
To Apply Applicants must submit the online application form and submit along with a 500 word personal essay detailing why Applicants should receive the scholarship and how they plan to use their studies to destigmatize mental health, addiction, and/or serve their community. Personal essays should also include a description of applicant’s current or intended plan of study.
Deadline September 30.
Contact Email:
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