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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Helen Lansdowne Resor Scholarship
Wunderman Thompson LLC
175 Greenwich St.,Fl 16
New York, NY 10007
Phone Number (212)210-7000
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To support creative female students.
Focus Art; Design; Filmmaking; Sculpture.
Qualifications Applicant must be a "badass" woman studying creativity; must be a registered student in an undergraduate, graduate, or portfolio program; must show creative talent and potential in a course of study like art direction, copywriting, design, experimental design, sculpture, film, etc.; must maintain satisfactory academic and creative progress as determined by the school.
Funds $10,000
Duration Varies; through completeion of recipient's degree.
Number of Awards 5.
To Apply Applicant must submit application form, personal statement, letter of recommendation, and 35 creative samples.
Deadline January 5
Contact Email:
For more information
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