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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Paul A. Volcker Fund
American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036-1206
Phone Number (202)483-2512
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Professional Development
Award Type Grant
Purpose To support and promote excellence in research and theory on public administration issues affecting governance in the United States and abroad.
Focus Government; Public administration.
Qualifications Open to all APSA members; must be focused on research and theory on public administration issues affecting governance in the United States and abroad.
Funds $2,500
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicant must submit a CV, an abstract, a short proposal, and a budget (letters of reference are required for graduate student applicants and proposals over $5,000). For more details contact the Organized Section for Public Administration.
Deadline June 15.
Contact Administered by the Organized Section for Public Administration; Email:; URL:
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