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Work Values Matcher

Work Values Matcher

Value: Relationships

Careers that feature the value of Relationships

To express a value for Relationships, look for a friendly work environment that allows you to be of service to others. Explore jobs that reflect your personal ethics, or at the least, do not put you in a position to go against your ethics.

A position or workplace where the value Relationships is featured often has these qualities:

  • The organization’s mission supports a good cause - contributing to the betterment of the world in some way - others, the environment, etc.
  • The work environment encourages positive relationships between co-workers. Common spaces are provided, and people feel confident and comfortable socializing there.
  • Committees and projects provide opportunities to work across functions and teams so that people from different groups meet and work together.
  • There is more evidence of cooperation, collaboration and acceptance than of competition and pressure.
  • The organization supports or provides employee volunteer opportunities in the community.
  • Employees are empowered to resolve customer complaints or concerns directly.
  • There are opportunities both during and after work to participate in activities not directly related to the job, such as discussion groups, athletic teams, etc.
  • The position offers daily contact with the public and/or co-workers.
  • The prevailing atmosphere may offer a relaxed approach to attitudes and workload, though many fast-paced workplaces also rely on strong relationships among employees.
  • Goals require that employees interact and depend on each other.

How to learn about the company’s values

For employer research or informational interviews, use these questions to learn how the employer views Relationships.

  • In your experience, are workers encouraged to directly influence and support positive customer service, in a culture of “customer first”?
  • How would you describe the organization’s ethics?
  • Would you say that concern for the community and local area is a priority? How so?
  • Could you describe how differences among team members, customers, and others, are valued and respected in the organization?

Note: In your review of news and information about the organization, look for any information on ethical issues, either positive or negative.

For job interviews, these questions will help clarify opportunities to express your value for Relationships.

  • Could you describe the opportunities for teamwork in this position? Would this position interact with other teams?
  • Is the organization involved in any kind of public service projects? In this position, would I have an opportunity to participate in those activities?
  • I'm curious about whether people in this position run into any ethical dilemmas. Could you describe any you are aware of, and how you prefer to see employees deal with them?
  • How does this position serve the organization and the broader community or marketplace?