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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

Search more than 9,500 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid award opportunities. You can:

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Scholarship sponsors may change their deadlines and eligibility criteria without notifying CareerOneStop, so be sure to confirm the most current guidelines by checking the scholarship website.

We found 3,918 awards for first generation.
Award Name Level Of Study Award Type Award Amount Deadline
Society of Women Engineers
Purposes: To help women achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.
Bachelor's Degree
Black Business and Professional Association
Purposes: To support students whose parents have not participated in post-secondary education studies.
Bachelor's Degree
American Indian College Fund
Purposes: To provide financial assistance for students who are in need.
Bachelor's Degree
Godoy Law Office
Purposes: First-generation immigrants and their children face some of the toughest immigration standards in recent history. Immigrants struggle to get on their feet and to provide for their families, which is why we want to give back to first-generation immigrants or the child of a first-generation immigrant through The First Generation Scholarship. 

The team at Godoy Law Office is excited to share The First Generation Scholarship! We are passionate about helping immigrants and their families achieve the American dream, and our goal with this scholarship is to provide financial assistance to first generation U.S. college students that come from immigrant families.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Society of Women Engineers
Purposes: To help women achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Editor World LLC
Purposes: Editor World is offering of a scholarship in 2024 to provide aid
with books, supplies, or anything else a first-generation student may need
to cover their educational expenses. The 2024 Scholarship shall be in the
amount of $500.00 USD to be paid toward the educational program of the
recipients choice.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Professional Development
National Society of High School Scholars
Purposes: To provide young scholars with their first scholarship.
Bachelor's Degree
McCraw Law Group
Purposes: To assist students who are first responders or family members of first responders.
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Flexographic Technical Association
Purposes: To provide for individuals who want to hone their expertise and give their plant a decided advantage over the competition.
McCraw Law Group
First responders are at the front lines of traumatic injuries and devastating emotional pain and suffering every day. Unfortunately, these heroes often don’t receive the recognition they deserve or emotional treatment they may need. First responders answer the call for help no matter the circumstances, time, location, or situation of an emergency. Some of us would not be here if it were not for the brave actions of a first responder.
Through natural disasters, fires, and acts of terror, these men and women run towards danger while others flee. Sacrifice is a common word to describe the life of a first responder, their friends, and their families. Some make the ultimate sacrifice of laying down their own lives in the pursuit of saving someone else’s.
Here at McCraw Law Group, we support, and respect these courageous people, and would like to honor them with this scholarship.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
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