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Local Training Finder

Local Training Finder
Data Science, General
College or Training Provider
Alverno College
Milwaukee, WI
Program Title
Pivot Your Skills - Leveraging Data
Program Description
The Leveraging the Power of Data for DecisionMaking Pathway in Alverno Colleges Pivot Your Skills Pathways Program offers a highly relevant and flexible learning track to equip professionals with the skills needed to understand the critical value of organizationwide information systems and to harness the power of their data necessary for effective decisionmakingThis pathway is designed to be completed in nine months or less and those who successfully complete the program will earn a professional certificateDeveloped and taught by Alverno faculty and industry professionals the Leveraging the Power of Data for DecisionMaking Pathway blends facetoface instruction and online learning Professionals will benefit from Alvernos wellregarded model that blends experiential learning with highly sought interpersonal skills developing knowledge and abilities that are immediately applicable to the workplaceProfessionals can enroll in the entire pathway or individual units.
Degree or Credential
Other / no data
Program website
Online or in-person
Mix of in-person and online
May prepare students for these careers
Computer and Information Research Scientists; Computer and Information Systems Managers; Data Scientists; Database Architects; Natural Sciences Managers; Postsecondary Teachers, All Other; Software Developers; Statisticians
This program has been certified as WIOA eligible. Learn more about WIOA.
Alverno College
3400 S 43rd St. PO Box 343 Milwaukee, WI 53234
This provider has at least one training program that has been certified as WIOA eligible. Search for a specific program to find out if it has been certified. Learn more about WIOA.

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