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Local Training Finder

Local Training Finder
Business and Personal/Financial Services Marketing Operations
College or Training Provider
220 Leadership
Chicago, IL
Program Title
220- Personal Finance (10001484 Chicago)
Program Description
Most people never learn how to manage their personal finances. This practical course will empower individuals to create their own personal budget and learn how to take control of their financial future. This asynchronous student-facing online course includes 10 modules, videos, articles, and a personal budget spreadsheet template.
3 weeks (18 hours)
Degree or Credential
Certificate, less than 12 weeks
Occupational Skills certificate or credential
Program website
Online or in-person
May prepare students for these careers
Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists; Securities, Commodities, and Financial Services Sales Agents
This program has been certified as WIOA eligible. Learn more about WIOA.
220 Leadership
222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza Suite 1212 Chicago, IL 60654
This provider has at least one training program that has been certified as WIOA eligible. Search for a specific program to find out if it has been certified. Learn more about WIOA.

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