Banner: Local Training Finder

Local Training Finder

Local Training Finder
Tax Law/Taxation
College or Training Provider
At Your Pace Online
Gold Hill, OR
Program Title
Tax Prep Basic Education
Program Description
This course is required and will prepare you to be a Oregon Tax Practitioner..
20 weeks (80 hours)
Degree or Credential
Certificate, 12 weeks to less than 1 year
Certificate of Completion/Diploma
Program website
Online or in-person
May prepare students for these careers
Law Teachers, Postsecondary; Lawyers
This program has been certified as WIOA eligible. Learn more about WIOA.
At Your Pace Online
1383 2nd Avenue Gold Hill, OR 97525
Main Website
This provider has at least one training program that has been certified as WIOA eligible. Search for a specific program to find out if it has been certified. Learn more about WIOA.

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