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License Finder

License Finder

Athletic Promoter
License Description Idaho law and administrative code require all Combatants, Promoters, Matchmakers, Managers, Seconds, including trainers, and Ring Officials to be licensed by The Idaho Athletic Commission at the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses. The commission regulates all contests and exhibitions involving unarmed combat between individuals. Such events include all boxing, wrestling and martial arts contests or exhibitions, including simultaneous telecasts of any live, current or spontaneous event on a closed circuit telecast within Idaho, whether originating in Idaho or elsewhere. Term: Licenses are renewed annually.
Licensing Agency
Idaho Athletic Commission
Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses
700 W. State St., PO Box 83720
Boise, ID 83720-0063
(208) 334 3233
Active Status Active
Criminal Record No criminal record prohibitions
License Type Stand-alone license
License Updated 03/08/2018

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