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License Finder

License Finder

License Description DAIRY SAMPLER

Collects milk samples for laboratory analysis. Insures adequate agitation of milk to be sampled prior to collections. Collects representative sample from tankers, bulk tanks and/or silos, and, utilizing sanitary technique, pours sample into sterile bottles. Weighs/Measures product sampled using scales or conversion chart. Legibly records pertinent paperwork with required information. Legibly labels bottel with origin of sample, packs samples in ice, transports samples to milk plant/laboratory for content analysis.

Be honest and demonstrate to Department of Agriculture inspectors that he has access to appropriate equipment for and is competent to do sampling work. Must demonstrate adequate knowledge through both written and practical examination.

License must be renewed annually after evaluation is completed by Department of Agriculture inspector.
Licensing Agency
Department of Agriculture
"P O Box 40627, Melrose Station"
, Na 000TN-7204
Active Status Active
Continuing Education No continuing education requirement to maintain license
Education No educational requirements
Exam No exam required
License Type Register with licensing agency
License Updated 09/09/2024

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