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Learn more about the Largest Employers.
What does this tool do?
The Largest Employers lets you create a list for any state of the 150 employers with the most employees in that state. From there you can link to more details about any of the employers on the list.
How do I get started?
To get started, simply select a state from Largest Employers.
The list you see will include the employer/business name (with a link to a page with more details), the city where the employer is headquartered in that state, the type of business, and the number of people employed in that state.
The lists are sorted based on the number of employees—the employer with the most employees in that state will be first. You can change the order of any list by clicking or tapping on the “Sort by” box above the list. From there, you can select to order the list by employer name, city name, or business type.
Can I save or download the employer lists?
You can download and save the list of employers for any state in Excel, PDF, Word, or RTF using the "Download" button at the bottom of your results list. Please note that you can only download a list of up to 50 employer names and information at a time. If you want to download more than that, you can adjust the number of employers displayed per page to 50. Then you can download each page of your results separately. Please note that you can only adjust the number of employers displayed per page on a computer; this feature is not available on a phone.
Where does this information come from?
Employer information is proprietary data licensed from Data Axle®.
Who can I contact for help?
If you have questions about an employer from your list of search results, please contact that employer. Click on the employer name to find their contact information.
If you have questions or comments about the Largest Employer tool or how to use this website, please contact the CareerOneStop Service Center at
How can I add, remove, or change employer information provided on the Largest Employer lists?
To request a change or addition, please contact Data Axle at or visit Data Axle.