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Learn more about the Employment Patterns.
What does this tool do?
The Employment Patterns tool provides a snapshot of employment by industry for the United States within any one of more than 800 occupations. For each occupation, the tool provides the following information for each industry that employs at least two percent of all workers in the occupation:
- The share of all workers in the selected occupation that are employed by the industry. Note that only industries with at least a two-percent share are listed, so these figures will not always add up to 100.
- The official industry name. Click the link to view a full profile of information about this industry from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Note that the profile you view on this BLS site may be for a broader industry level than the one listed in the Employment Patterns tool.
- Employment, or the number of people employed in this industry in this occupation for 2023, followed by the number expected to be employed in 2033.
- Percent change, or the rate of employment growth expected over the ten years in this combination of industry and occupation.
Where does this information come from?
Data in these reports come from the U.S. Department of Labor.
Industry Share of Workers, Employment, and Percent Change come from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment Projections, 2023-33.
For information about displaying any of this data on your own website, please visit CareerOneStop's Web API.
Can I save my list of results?
To download and save your results in a document, click the Download button at the bottom of your results list, and choose from Excel, PDF, Word, or RTF formats.
To email or print your results, use the links at the top of the page.
Who can I contact for more help?
If you have questions or comments about how this tool works, please contact the CareerOneStop Service Center at