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Interest Assessment

Interest Assessment

Use your RIASEC results to find a career.

Based on your assessment you tested the strongest in:

RAISEC Chart of your assessment results by interest area

More information about each interest area is listed below.

People with Realistic interests tend to be practical, grounded, persistent, genuine, and natural.
You may like to:
  • Be physically active
  • Spend time outdoors
  • Focus on real-world things, like plants and animals
  • Take machines apart
  • Fix things
How do Realistic interests relate to careers?
Careers with Realistic interests involve hands-on activity, working with materials, tools, and equipment, building, design, or working outdoors. The detailed categories below describe aspects of Realistic interests you might use at work. Which do you relate to?
Detailed category Example activities
Mechanics/Electronics Install computer systems, repair motors or industrial robots.
Construction/Woodwork Build furniture, stairways, and cabinets. Run woodworking machines.
Transportation/Machine Operation Drive a bus; operate a bulldozer or forklift. Transport materials in a truck.
Physical/Manual Labor Clean a work area. Unload and move materials and equipment.
Protective Service Investigate criminal activity; apprehend and arrest suspects. Put out forest fires.
Agriculture Plant, cultivate, and harvest crops. Raise and tend farm animals.
Nature/Outdoors Manage forests and train conservation workers. Plant a public garden.
Animal Service Take care of animals. Train animals to assist persons with disabilities.
Athletics Coach a sports team. Train and compete in an athletic event.
Engineering Design and construct buildings, aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft.
People with Investigative interests tend to be logical, curious, precise, intellectual, and quiet.
You may like to:
  • Spend time thinking
  • Make observations
  • Seek scientific explanations
  • Learn new things for fun
  • Work independently
How do Investigative interests relate to careers?
Careers with Investigative interests involve using math, data analysis, researching scientific subjects, and studying human behavior. The detailed categories below describe aspects of Investigative interests you might use at work. Which do you relate to?
Detailed category Example activities
Physical Science Use computer models to forecast weather. Study stars, or chemical substances.
Life Science Work in a biology lab, study genes. Explore impacts on wildlife habitats.
Medical Science Research and develop new medical treatments. Study how to prevent diseases.
Social Science Research social issues such as economics, culture, mental health, politics.
Humanities Study and compare religious beliefs, history. Research influences on literature.
Mathematics/Statistics Develop statistical models and conduct analyses. Expand knowledge in math fields.
Health Care Service Provide medical treatment to patients and prescribe medication.
People with Artistic interests tend to be creative, open, self-directed, independent, and original.
You may like to:
  • Express yourself in unconventional ways
  • Follow your intuition or impulses
  • Make art of different kinds
  • Do ordinary things in new ways
  • Design objects or materials
How do Artistic interests relate to careers?
Careers with Artistic interests often include creating visual artwork, dance or theater performances, written works, food, or music. The detailed categories below describe aspects of Artistic interests you might use at work. Which do you relate to?
Detailed category Example activities
Humanities Study and compare religious beliefs, history. Research influences on literature.
Visual Arts Draw a picture or design. Take photographs, Create a sculpture.
Applied Arts and Design Create special effects or a theater set. Design clothes. Create product displays.
Performing Arts Act or choreograph and dance on stage. Direct stage or screen productions.
Music Compose or arrange music. Sing or play an instrument in a band.
Creative Writing Write books, or plays. Create ads, lyrics, or scripts for media and movies.
Media Develop content for a podcast. Direct a TV show, report human interest stories.
Culinary Art Create new recipes, or a special cooking style. Coordinate activities of other cooks.
Marketing/Advertising Plan a marketing campaign, including social media and advertising.
People with Social interests tend to be helpful, understanding, responsible, friendly, and patient.
You may like to:
  • Counsel and inspire others
  • Share information
  • Help people
  • Volunteer in your community
  • Cooperate in groups
How do Social interests relate to careers?
Careers with Social interests involve teaching, counseling, nursing, facilitating communication, and helping solve social problems. The detailed categories below describe aspects of Social interests you might use at work. Which do you relate to?
Detailed category Example activities
Culinary Art Create new recipes, or a special cooking style. Coordinate activities of other cooks.
Teaching/Education Teach school subjects to students. Adapt teaching methods to student needs.
Social Service Advocate for community needs. Counsel clients. Provide economic assistance.
Health Care Service Provide medical treatment to patients and prescribe medication.
Religious Activities Organize religious services and education programs. Provide spiritual guidance.
Personal Service Plan events. Make travel arrangements. Help customers with questions and services.
Professional Advising Teach leadership skills. Coach clients to succeed in professional goals.
Human Resources Hire employees and maintain personnel records. Explain company policies.
Animal Service Take care of animals. Train animals to assist persons with disabilities.
Social Science Research social issues such as economics, culture, mental health, politics.
People with Enterprising interests tend to be sociable, ambitious, energetic, action-oriented, and optimistic.
You may like to:
  • Negotiate and debate
  • Compete
  • Make decisions
  • Take risks for the chance to gain
  • Inspire and lead others
How do Enterprising interests relate to careers?
Careers with Enterprising interests involve leadership, selling/marketing, and persuading others, often in a business, law, or political setting. The detailed categories below describe aspects of Enterprising interests you might use at work. Which do you relate to?
Detailed category Example activities
Athletics Coach a sports team. Train and compete in an athletic event.
Religious Activities Organize religious services and education programs. Provide spiritual guidance.
Professional Advising Teach leadership skills. Coach clients to succeed in professional goals.
Business Initiatives Create a business plan for a company to increase profits. Find business partners.
Sales Sell a product to customers. Negotiate prices. Demonstrate products.
Marketing/Advertising Plan a marketing campaign, including social media and advertising.
Finance Analyze a company’s investments. Manage businesses’ financial decisions.
Management/Administration Develop organizational goals. Manage employees. Supervise projects.
Public Speaking Be the speaker for a meeting, podcast, or event. Read announcements.
Politics Learn about government policy. Help run a campaign for political office.
Law Write up legal documents. Advise clients and defend them in court.
People with Conventional interests tend to be detail-oriented, careful, orderly, thrifty, and well organized.
You may like to:
  • Make plans with others in advance
  • Find the most efficient way to do things
  • Structure your day
  • Persist until a task is done
  • Commit to meeting deadlines
How do Conventional interests relate to careers?
Careers with Conventional interests involve using systems to organize information, data, and materials, often in a business setting. The detailed categories below describe aspects of Conventional interests you might use at work. Which do you relate to?
Detailed category Example activities
Office Work Maintain files, inventory, and database systems. Schedule appointments.
Accounting Develop spreadsheets. Keep accounting records and prepare budgets.
Finance Analyze a company’s investments. Manage businesses’ financial decisions.
Information Technology Research security measures and resolve computer software problems. Write software code.
Human Resources Hire employees and maintain personnel records. Explain company policies.
Mathematics/Statistics Develop statistical models and conduct analyses. Expand knowledge in math fields.

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