Chat with CareerOneStop
Did you know CareerOneStop now has a chatbot?
You’ll find CareerBot on every one of our web pages, whether you’re on a computer, tablet, or phone. Just look for the friendly icon in the lower right of your screen.
Ask CareerBot to help you find your favorite CareerOneStop resource—or, to discover something entirely new on any of CareerOneStop’s sites. You can use CareerBot’s menu or you can type in a question to find what you’re looking for. CareerBot will direct you to the CareerOneStop resource that best meets your needs. For some of CareerOneStop’s most-used tools—including the Job Finder, Salary Finder, and more—you’ll even find your results returned right inside your chat window.
CareerBot is a bot, not a real person—and still getting up to speed on the best way to help you navigate the wealth of information on CareerOneStop websites. So if you don’t find what you’re looking for the first time, please be patient and try again—and then send us an email at to let us know what CareerBot can do better!
New: Locate youth employment programs in any location
Visit the new Youth Program Finder to locate youth employment programs in any U.S. location. Simply enter a place—city, state, or ZIP code—to create a list of community programs that provide career, training, or job search assistance to young people. Each list includes:
- Program names (and website address if available)
- Location (including map and driving directions)
- Contact information (including phone number, names, and emails, if available)
- An indication if the program has services targeted specifically to people with a criminal record
The Youth Program Finder was created in response to requests for help locating services for people age 16 to 24. The Finder was designed to be used by young people on their own, or by adult intermediaries. Any young adults seeking career or employment assistance can easily access it from a computer, tablet, or phone. They can also search for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs and find out if they are eligible for more in-depth services. Counselors working with young adults who plan to relocate will also find it valuable to research services available in their new location.
The Finder includes information for nearly 2,500 programs across the country, including services offered by American Job Centers and affiliated programs, and those offered by independent community organizations. All data was collected and verified by CareerOneStop staff and is available for download directly from the tool, or via a Youth Program Finder widget that allows website owners to deliver the information directly from their own website.
The Youth Program Finder is available on both and