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New on CareerOneStop: Updated Local Training Finder

CareerOneStop recently added every state’s list of WIOA-eligible short-term training programs to the Local Training Finder. This means that, along with programs at public and private colleges, users can now find training provided by public and private non-profits and other providers across the United States.

This addition brings a tremendous expansion of the pre-vetted training options your customers can search to gain meaningful credentials for their career readiness and job qualifications. Visit the enhanced Local Training Finder to search for training, from six-week certificates to two-year, four-year, and graduate programs, in any career or industry in any local U.S. area.

Start your search with a keyword for an occupation or program name, or search for specific colleges or other training providers. Once you enter keywords for your search, you’ll get a list of results and the option to drill down into any program or provider on that list for more details and contact information.

You can easily filter your list of training programs based on any of these criteria:

  • The average length of the certificate or degree program (from “less than 12 weeks” to “beyond bachelor’s degree”)
  • The program name
  • The college or training provider's name
  • Whether the training is mostly online, in-person, or hybrid
  • The occupation(s) the program prepares participants to work in
  • Whether the program has been certified as eligible for WIOA funding
  • The size of the geographic area your search includes (if you searched by ZIP code)

You can also filter a list of training providers by:

  • Whether the provider offers at least one training program that has been certified as eligible for WIOA funding
  • The size of the geographic area your search includes (if you searched by ZIP code)

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Scholarship Finder

Search more than 9,500 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial award opportunities.

Why is WIOA designation important for all training seekers?

Gaining a certificate or other credential can be key for entering or advancing in nearly any career field. But the world of short-term training programs can be overwhelming. And stories about students wasting their money on dead-end training programs and ending up without job prospects are a real concern.

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That’s why the U.S. Department of Labor vets and certifies training programs that qualify for funding through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). They look for programs that have been shown to lead to employment in an occupation that is in demand in the local area.

Each state compiles an Eligible Training Providers List of all training programs that have been approved for WIOA funding. Programs from those lists now show up in CareerOneStop’s Local Training Finder  with a “WIOA” designation.

The WIOA designation indicates that a program has been identified as high-quality preparation for employment in an in-demand career. That’s good news for people who qualify for WIOA-funded training but it’s also good news for any member of the public looking to improve their prospects for landing an in-demand job.

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Featured Resource:Ideas for first jobs

Whether you’re 14, 24, or 64, when it’s time to look for an entry-level job, it can be hard to know where to start. CareerOneStop offers a list of work ideas that are commonly open to people without previous experience or special training. The list includes dozens of job ideas with details such as what you’d typically do on the job, the average pay, any helpful training, and a link to job listings in any local area.

Visit Ideas for first jobs and check out ideas in these categories:

  • Jobs in foodservice
  • Jobs in retail and other services
  • Jobs that keep you on the move
  • Jobs with lots of time outdoors

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Skill & Ability Videos

Our video library features 23 skill and ability videos to help job candidates understand what employers are seeking.

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