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New Apprenticeship Finder is a new one-stop source for “all things apprenticeship.” Launched in August by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), the site features an Apprenticeship Finder that lets career seekers search for apprenticeships by city, state, and occupation. Students, workers, and employers will also find a variety of apprenticeship-related information.

" is an exciting new resource to connect career seekers looking for long-term careers with employers investing in their workforce," said John Ladd, Administrator, DOL Office of Apprenticeship.

DOL said the site was developed in response to a need shared by both employers looking to promote their apprenticeships and career seekers wanting to access those opportunities. In particular, the new Apprenticeship Finder tool aims to help employers promote apprenticeships across new or nontraditional industries where apprenticeships may be less common, as well as to make it easier for career seekers to find apprenticeship opportunities.

DOL collaborated with the National Association of State Workforce Agencies and DirectEmployers to create the Apprenticeship Finder using the National Labor Exchange (NLx), a jointly-sponsored resource that collects and distributes national job content. The Apprenticeship Finder tool displays thousands of apprenticeship opportunities that are updated weekly. Additional resources are planned for coming months.

Career seekers can access the no-cost website at Apprenticeship sponsors are encouraged to add their job listings to the NLx at no cost so they can be included in the Apprenticeship Finder tool. 

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Search more than 7,500 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid award opportunities.

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Secure ReEntry website provides key resources to inmates

CareerOneStop announces, an online, secure version of CareerOneStop website content and tools, with all external links disabled.

ReEntry.CareerOneStop provides correctional institutions and other secure facilities with access to CareerOneStop’s full range of career, training, and job search resources—without the risk of active Internet links, which are often banned inside facilities.

Additional resources for those who work with incarcerated individuals are available in PDF formats:

  • The Job Search Guide for People with a Criminal Record is a 43-page PDF document that includes all Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders website content.
  • Ex-Offender Local Resources is a 132-page PDF document with names, locations, contact information, and descriptions of hundreds of local organizations in all 50 states that provide targeted employment and job search assistance to people with criminal records.

You can also find both of the above resources at Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders; if you’re unable to print, email for a copy.

Hot occupation

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Construction Managers

  • Average Pay - $91,370/yr across the U.S.
  • Typical Training at entry is a Bachelor's degree.

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What's CareerOneStop working on next?

  • Redesigned and mobile-friendly License Finder
  • Veterans Job Matcher
  • Compare Salaries

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