What certifications are employers looking for?
Did you know that CareerOneStop analyzes approximately two million job postings to identify the certifications mentioned the most by employers and hiring managers? This information can help job seekers who want to add a marketable certification to their resume to help them stand out in their job search. Gaining an in-demand certification can also help individuals advance to the next level in many fields. CareerOneStop researchers started their latest analysis with a snapshot of all job postings on the National Labor Exchange (NLx) in November 2023. NLx includes jobs posted on state job banks as well as by private employers. The researchers first identified all postings that included references to any certifications listed in CareerOneStop's Certification Finder. Then they focused in on those certifications that showed up most frequently.
This year’s analysis also identified a subset of emerging certifications that did not appear on last year’s list of in-demand certifications. These included certifications for Medical Assistant, Plumbing, Certified Personal Trainer, and Emergency Medicine. These careers may be growing or experiencing a lot of job openings.