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What's New 2017

What's New 2017

New Career Reports show in-demand occupations by state or nationwide

CareerOneStop’s new Career Reports offer snapshots of which occupations have the most openings, are growing fastest (or slowest), have the highest pay, or employ the most workers—in any state or for the country as a whole. Check out the reports below:

Fastest-Growing Careers   
Find out which occupations are growing the fastest. Includes details about employment, wages, and education.

Careers with the Most Openings   
Create a list of occupations with the most openings by state or nationwide. Includes details about employment, number of estimated openings, wages, and education.

Careers with the Largest Employment   
Find national and state occupations with the largest employment. Includes details about employment, earnings, and education.

Careers with Declining Employment   
Create a list of occupations with the largest declines in employment by state or nationwide. Includes details about employment, earnings, and education.

Highest-Paying Careers
See which occupations have the highest median wages by state or nationwide.

Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders is mobile-friendly

Check out the revised Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders, CareerOneStop’s website aimed at helping people with criminal records achieve their career, training, and employment goals. The website is now fully responsive to display on a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computers

Get started with this video about Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders or visit the following sections:

Explore Careers  has information about work options and career planning, including:

  • How skills and interests match up to jobs
  • Work restrictions that apply for certain convictions
  • How to set career goals

Get Training   offers resources to help people learn about training options, including:

  • Basic skills training like math, English, and computer use
  • Getting a GED
  • Short-term training programs
  • Paying for training or college

Find a Job   offers tips and information to help people search and apply for jobs and discover:

  • Tips for job applications, resumes, and references
  • A Job Search tool to search local openings
  • How to talk about your conviction in interviews

The Toolkit offers four free online tools:

  •  American Job Center Finder : Locate an American Job Center in your neighborhood or across the country.
  • State Resource Finder  : Select your state to access job search help, resources for housing, food assistance, legal advice, vital records, and more.
  • Job Finder  : Search for a job right now by entering a job and location in search.
  • Local Training Finder  : Locate schools and training programs by occupation or location to find the best fit for you.

Check out CareerOneStop’s new 

Occupation Profiles

CareerOneStop’s updated Occupation Profile offers customized reports with extensive career and labor market information in a colorful, graphical design.

Users can quickly create a profile for of any one of nearly 1,000 occupations. Each profile includes up to 17 cards displaying accurate, up-to-date career and labor market data. Users can select which cards they want to see and can arrange them as they like. Users can also opt to see information for any city, state, or ZIP code area. 

Each profile offers:

  • A career overview.    Users can: 
  • Read an occupation description and overview.
  • Watch a career video.
  • See a list of typical tasks that workers do on the job.

Career outlook information.    Users can:

  • Find out if a career is expected to be in demand and have many job openings in the future.
  • See detailed data on projected employment growth or decline, and compare your local area with national trends.
  • Link directly to local job listings.

Wage and salary data.    Users can:

  • See the typical wages earned by workers in this career.
  • Compare salaries    for the United States, a state, or a local area.

Education and training information.    Users can:

  • See the range in education levels of people working in this career.
  • See the typical education for starting out in this field.
  • See the amount of work experience most people have when starting.
  • See the average level of on-the-job training
  • Link to local training programs that can help you prepare for this career.

KSA (knowledge, skill, and ability) and interest data.    Users can:

  • See a list of personal interests that are typically a good fit for this career.
  • Learn about the abilities and personal qualities that are usually needed for this career.
  • See a list of work-related skills that are most commonly required for jobs in this career.
  • See the knowledge areas most common to workers in this career. 

Safety First – CMC Adopts Leading Foundational Health and Safety Competencies

Do you know if your health and safety practices are up to date? The Competency Model Clearinghouse (CMC) recently updated its Building Blocks Model to include the most current health and safety competencies. The Building Blocks Model reflects the competencies needed by today’s workforce and serves as the foundational framework from which other industry models are created. 

Subject matter experts from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) participated in updating the model’s Health and Safety Competency Block. As leaders in the prevention of work-related injury and illness, NIOSH and OSHA provided critical insight during this process. The update expands the previous collection of competencies to include new foundational knowledge and skills to help protect America’s workforce and create safe, healthy, and productive workplaces. 

The new and improved Building Blocks Model can be accessed here along with more information on the industry-sector skill sets and competencies that are essential to educating and training a globally competitive workforce.

In addition to the Building Blocks Model, the CMC is preparing to update the health and safety competencies in all its models. The CMC will work with model champions and industry experts to ensure the models are aligned with current health and safety information while retaining industry-specific knowledge and skills. 

Job Search Help for Ex-Offenders website content available in PDF format

The Job Search Guide for People with a Criminal Record  is a 43-page PDF document containing all the content from , including tips and resources to help individuals with criminal records explore careers, get training, and find jobs. 

Additionally, Ex-Offender Local Resources is a 132-page PDF document with names, locations, contact information, and descriptions of hundreds of local organizations in all 50 states that provide targeted employment and job search assistance to people with criminal records. 

The guide and the resource collection, which are both free to download, were produced in response to demand from counselors and others who work in prisons and other facilities where Internet access is restricted or unavailable. 

Find local employment assistance and more help—now from your phone

CareerOneStop has updated more than a dozen local help finder tools for easy access from smartphones, tablets, or desktop computers. 

The Local Help collection of tools can quickly provide location and contact information for a variety of programs and organizations in any city, state, or ZIP code throughout the United States.

The following tools are now mobile-responsive:

Check out CareerOneStop’s new Industry Reports

Now get easy-to-interpret industry employment and wage information on your phone, tablet or desktop. CareerOneStop’s Industry Reports are redesigned and mobile-responsive. Find the following reports: 

Fastest Growing  Find the industries that are projected to grow the fastest. Includes past and projected industry employment levels and growth rates.

Highest Paying  Find the highest-paying industries. Includes details of average weekly wages and average annual wages. 

Declining Employment  Create a list of industries with the largest projected declines in employment nationwide. Includes past and projected industry employment levels and growth rates. 

Largest Employment  View the industries with the largest employment nationwide. Includes details about employment and links to more detailed industry information..

Competency Model Clearinghouse offers career maps for career explorers

Career Maps

You’ll find links to useful and exciting maps from numerous industries. These career maps provide important information about key jobs in many different fields including health care, information technology, manufacturing, energy, and more. The career maps featured help you learn about the responsibilities, salary, education, and job outlook for jobs from the entry-level all the way through high-level executive positions. Even better, they show you how to move from one level to the next, or among areas of specialization, as you navigate your way through the career options. They also provide nontraditional pathways for moving from one occupation to another within an industry. Many of these maps are interactive and will show you a whole career path simply by clicking on a job title that interests you. Visit Career Maps to get started today!

CareerOneStop’s new Skills Matcher

CareerOneStop recently launched a Skills Matcher to help users identify careers that match their skills.

Users rate their skill levels in 40 key areas, and then see a list of careers that are good matches for their unique skill sets. Results include average salary, job outlook, and training needed for career matches, along with a link to the career’s full profile in CareerOneStop’s Occupation Profile.

The Skills Matcher is based on O*NET skill and knowledge data. It uses a statistical formula to compare users’ own ratings to the knowledge, skill, and ability (KSA) ratings associated with more than 900 O*NET occupations. While O*NET uses 120 KSAs, the Skills Matcher uses a subset of 40 KSAs to find the occupations that most closely match users’ skill ratings.

Find new tools in the CareerOneStop Mobile

CareerOneStop’s free app for your mobile devices now includes 32 career tools!

Download your free app on Google Play™ and the App Store℠ to check out any one of these tools:

Career Tools

  • Interest Assessment
  • Occupation Profile
  • Fastest-Growing Careers
  • Careers with Most Openings
  • Careers with Largest Employment
  • Careers with Declining Employment

Training Tools

  • Local Training Finder
  • Scholarship Finder
  • Professional Association Finder

Job Tools

  • Job Finder
  • Veterans Job Finder
  • Business Finder

Wage Tools

  • Salary Finder
  • Highest-Paying Careers

Industry Tools

• Fastest-Growing Industries
• Highest-Paying Industries
• Industries with Declining Employment
• Industries with Largest Employment

Local Help Tools
• American Job Center Finder
• Apprenticeship Office Finder
• Employment Networks Finder
• Farmworker Jobs Program Finder
• Job Corps Center Finder
• Native American Program Finder
• Older Worker Program Finder
• Refugee Social Services Finder
• Community College Finder
• Job Club Finder
• Library Finder
• Workforce Development Board Finder
• Youth Council Finder
• Unemployment Benefits Finder

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