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Employment Networks on CareerOneStop
Best websites for Students exploring Careers and Jobs EduBlogs
Get the Resources You Need to Get a Job,
CareerOneStop Joins Twitter, Twitter
CareerOneStop Joins Facebook, Facebook
Job Hunting Advice, Networking is Key, New Baltimore-Chesterfield Patch
Programming an Important Foreign Language, USC Daily Trojan
Resources for Job-Hunting Seniors, Wall Street Journal
mySkills myFuture Adds New Tools, Business Wire
Don't Let a Layoff Catch You Unprepared, Huffington Post
USDOL unveils new employment web tool, Federal News Radio
USDOL upgrades Reemployment Portal, PRNewswire
Career Changes Video, Daybreak/YouTube
DOL launches new Web site to help unemployed Americans,
Making Career Development Pay, New York Times
Go for that new job, CNN Money
US Department of Labor announces Career Video Challenge, CNBC
Saving America's Middle Class, ABC World News
Finding a job, Target areas that are hitting, Good Morning America
Libraries Give Resume Help, Wall Street Journal
Go for a New Career,
30+ Web sites to visit when you are laid off,
Unemployed- Reinvent Yourself,
Guides for Your Job Search , Riley Guide
7 Career Lessons From NBC's The Office' , US News and World Report
Collecting Unemployment ,
"Online job description writer: Review" , Workforce Developments