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Workforce Development Board Finder Help
Learn more about the Workforce Development Board Finder.
What does this tool do?
The Workforce Development Board Finder helps you locate local WDBs. You’ll find names, location, service area details, and contact information for WDBs near your location.
What is a Workforce Development Board?
WDBs are part of the Public Workforce System, a network of federal, state, and local offices that support economic expansion and develop the talent of the nation’s workforce. The WDBs’ role is to develop regional strategic plans and set funding priorities for their area. State and local WDBs serve as connectors between the U.S. Department of Labor and local American Job Centers that deliver services to workers and employers.
How do I get started?
Select a state from the list under Location, and then tap "Search".
You’ll find a list of WDBs in that state. This list includes:
- Individual WDB names, which link to contact information about each WDB, chairs and vice chairs.
- Street addresses
- Service areas and links to maps of those areas.
Once you click on a WDB name, you’ll see a Contacts page. Here you’ll find:
- A link to the WDB’s website (if available)
- The name, mailing address, phone, and email address of the WDB chair and vice chair
- Service information and a link to a map
- Contact information for any related youth Councils (which set youth programming and policies under the guidance of a WDB)
Where does this information come from?
This information is collected by CareerOneStop staff. To inquire about additions or corrections, please email
This information is also available as a data download or as an API. For information about displaying any of this data on your own website, please visit CareerOneStop's Web API.
Who can I contact for help?
Contact the CareerOneStop Service Center by email at